DIY ethics handbook

Finally the English version. Rough and unready like the future!

Bestseller at the great Public Spaces Conference 2024!

Who uses this book?

It is for everyone that creates stuff other people will use. Because as a maker you have a certain power. And with power comes responsibility.

How do I use this book?

This book is your non-religious go to guide when in need of wisdom. Your wisdom: the questions the book asks are about your attitude and beliefs. The book will support your thinking, but it will (almost) never tell you what to do. 


This little book is a forever beta. A solidified sketch. An unpretentious, barely designed publication. A V3, probably with a few typos left. Pls be kind, it is a WIP. By purchasing and using this book you support my research: A7, 48 pages, €9 for one, €8 euros per book when you order 5 or more, €7 for 10 or more.

WTF 9 euros?!

Production and sending one book costs €5. The extra money allows me to hand out books for free to students and other futuremakers. And you’ll be supporting my research! I’ll love you for it.

Drop me a note if you want one too: